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Your MAP to JOY!
To Suffer or Live Joyfully?
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction - What would you most love to do? (11:09)
CHAPTER TWO: The Power of Psychological Flexibility to Free You (15:02)
Thoughts, Feelings and Mindful Attidudes
CHAPTER THREE: Understanding Who You Are, And Who You Are Not (18:02)
CHAPTER FOUR: How a Mindful Attitude Can Change Everything (23:15)
Relationships, Values and Practising Presence
CHAPTER FIVE: Transforming Your Relationships to Live in Harmony (28:55)
CHAPTER SIX: How Presence and Values Create a Meaningful Life (17:39)
Sleep, Diet, Gratitude, Humour and JOY!
CHAPTER SEVEN: Mindful Eating, Movement and Regular Sleep (20:51)
CHAPTER EIGHT: Your Support Community and Living a Joyful Life (23:56)
CHAPTER EIGHT: Your Support Community and Living a Joyful Life
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